Monday, February 04, 2008

pissed and happy

hey! i'm back with a full free day ahead of me! mid-term are finally OVER!!@!!@!@!@!@ well, ok. i've got stuff to talk abt today!
2. thanks to sarah for that wonderful sleepover/party you held!
3. thanks to my brain for holding all the information on all my 6 subjects with my band fingerings!
4. thanks to my parents for stuff that i'm not gonna list
well, those were the for the pissed off part
1. my dad's worried abt money when he KNEW we would have a problem like this when we came
2. i may NOT go away this year
3. all my fav taiwanese singers and bands are going to singapore AFTER i leave...
4. we may have to stay on here even though they can't come over when he complains that we have not enough money.
ok i'll elaborate on the last one. don't mind my language please! it's my only place to let out my feelings!
my father keeps saying that we're wasting money when we buy winter clothes cos we don't have enough right now. well, he already knew that when we came here, we would really have to start over and cos it's only my mom working here, we're not the best off. what's worse is that he knows that he wouldn't get as much pay here as back home and still complains that we're spending too much when he's not even the one here and he doesn't know how much clothes we need cos it's winter here. it's f***ing freezing here! if we don't buy those damn clothes then we'll freeze and die. unless you want us to die, shut the hell up! OMG i hate my dad. now he won't even allow me to go back in june just because we have 'money problems'. like WTH! you make us come here AGAINST OUR WILL and you force us to stay here when we don't like it and CAN'T even STUDY PROPERLY and then you blame us for freaking bad marks. like OMG just admit that you made the wrong choice for once! stop using the excuse that it's 'just for our sake'. IT'S F***ING NOT FOR OUR SAKE! how the hell can it be for our sake if we're not even benifitting from it? omg you made the WHOLE FREAKING FAMILY come here just so that YOU can have a relaxing life. wth, it's relaxing for you but do you know that just because their standard is lower here i'm really freaking hating maths for once? and you jolly well know that i love maths when i learn new stuff. you freaking knew that the standard was so much lower here and yet you FORCED me here. wth, i'm not even benifitting from it. even mom isn't! she works so freaking much more just for the SAME FREAKING SALARY! OMG! think of your family for once and their wishes you ass! i should stop if not i'll get worse language out so i'll stop.


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