Tuesday, January 29, 2008


yay! snow day during exam week! more time to study! well, exams started on friday at 1pm.
Friday, 25th January - Religion paper @ 1pm
Monday, 28th January - English paper @ 8.30am
French paper @ 11am
Tuesday, 29th January - Science paper @ 8.30am
Band practical @ 11.50am
Wednesday, 30th January - Math paper @ 8.30am
Thursday, 31st January - Socials paper @ 8.30am
Friday, 1st February - No school for Grade 8
Going for friend's birthday party/sleepover after lunch

But because today just happened to be a snow day where is was near impossible to walk to school, the school was closed and only opened for the Grade 12 French Provincials. So now, I've got my tuesday exams on wednesday, wednesday exams on thursday, thursday exams on friday, and friday's holiday is now on monday. It was really snowing bad last night and it's supposed to snow again tonight. Hopefully it won't be so bad that school's closed again. If that happens, that would mean that the birthday party/sleepover would be cancelled because we would have our socials paper on monday. Well, today was a nice full day of studying apart from the occasional breaks watching some short clip on youtube abt FLH. Well, I really can't believe that i'm actually STUDYING and this is not even the end-of-years but if i get a 73% or higher, i can get recommended for the EOYs which means that i wouldn't have to take the written! tsk, tsk, still won't be able to leave early if i even could leave...report card comes out on the 27th june so my parents plans of a small trip to the islands in mid-june has to be re-scheduled. well, i've got to go so take care all! missing you!@!@!@


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