Saturday, January 12, 2008

I'm back!

Hey! Ok, so the op went fine and she was not too bad after the op according to them. Well, my sister is going back in 10 hours time. She missed the booking for the Thursday flight. I last saw her yesterday morning when she walked me to school. That was 18 hours ago. Well, I've been praying every night for the past 4 nights and I'm going to do that from now on. I feel that prayer really helps me feel better. He really takes care of all of us. I asked him to watch over her when they were doing the op, and He really did. I am really glad that nothing has happened to her. It's now the crucial week of recovery and if everything is fine, then she'll be fine. If anything does happen though, we don't know what's going to happen to her and the family, as in if we're still going to bring him over and if we're going back and if we do, when we'll be going back. Well, it's actually waaaaaay past my bedtime but no one is here, only my cousin and uncle. I feel really lonely now. Well, I'm actually trying to find someone who understands what I'm going through right now that I can talk to face-to-face but apparently, all of my friends, including the one whose mom has cancer, can't understand what I'm going through. They all don't understand the fact that I'm here alone without any immediate family here at all. They get to enjoy their days with their siblings and still complain that they wish they would be left alone. Well, let me tell you this, I said all this before but now I regret it. I HATE being alone. It's really unpleasent and if I could, I would take my words back. Let me just give you a warning: Wishes do come through, just sometimes, you make the wrong wishes and you wish to take back your words but that wish seldom comes through. I regret saying 'I wish I could be alone!' because now, I really really HATE FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART the feeling of being alone. I feel isolated and no one understands my problem except God. I just need someone I can talk to face-to-face right now. I really need support from anyone I feel close and comfortable with. Well, I'd better stop or my tears won't stop. I need to sleep to. Nightz!

P.S. I really need a hug! I haven't had a hug since the Sunset Mass on Saturday.


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