Saturday, October 20, 2007

my birthday!

HAHA! I'M OFFICIALLY A TEEN! well, the only thing now is that i'm still seriously busy! i'm gonna make this short cos first of all, it's late, secondly, i've got to do my work, lastly, i'm tired. I just came back from the Dinner & Dance held by the St. Bernadette's Bible Study Group though I don't even go to St. B. Well, seriously tired here! It's my birthday and yet I have to do work! Well, actually no. I've been out the whole day! It's like, I woke up, ate breakfast, went to Metropolis @ Metro Town with my mom and sis, had lunch there, came back, showered, went for mass at St. Bernadette, then went for the D&D held at St. Michael's Anglican Church which is not far from St. B. Well, this was how I celebrated my birthday. Actually, I was brought to Anduccis on Thursday and had huge servings of pasta and this seriously nice chocolate cake! Well, I better be going to bed. It's late! Bye! Hope to post soon!


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