Friday, August 31, 2007

P.N.E. fair, Hairspray and picking my dad up

ok so I'll not be able to talk about my trip in this entry but I'll talk about it over the long weekend for sure! well, first we went to the P.N.E. (Pacific National Exhibition) Fair held at East Hastings on 20th August but me n my sis only sat for one ride cos my sis got too scared to sit on any other ride already so we then had our lunch n went to watch some gymnastic performance at 2pm which were really amazing. There were some balancing ones but it was mostly the really flexible gymnasts lor. Well, I realised I have not used any singlish yet or even short forms so I shall start now =D ok then after the gym thinggy right, we watched a talent show by youths and it was quite gd n i even heard some 14 year old gal sing 'Listen' which ya lun plays on his blog! then my attention started to redirect to ya lun which reminded me of SERENA WONG cos we both like him (he's so cute to me!) well, then after being reminded of serena, i started thinkin of 1/3 and how i always scream at them. then i'm reminded of IJ where i spent my past 7 years which reminded me of the long line of relatives of mine all frm IJ then i start to miss everyone especially my close friends like Amanda Yip, Joan Seah, Chloe Ng, Dorothy Lo and so on plus my close relatives like Celeste, Vanessa, my grandmother (mom's side) and so on. n my the time i finished thinkin of all the ppl n things i left behind, they already announced the results so i missed it but i din really bother abt the results la. anyway, after tt we went to some IAMS superdog show and we saw this maltese (or at least i think it was) tt could practically fit into ur pocket n guess wat it was called? 'Pocket'! it was damn cute lor n my sis n i kept sayin so cute then my mom was starin at us wif the 'over my dead body' look cos she does not wanna keep a dog so she keeps sayin either when we move out or she passes on...well, after the dog show we went to the farm where they had cows, llamas, alphacas, pigs (and there was one wif piglets jus born!), horses, rabbits, chickens, chicks, ducklings and ducks. i think tt was all IF I'M NOT WRONG! my memory not tt great la so even when i came back tt nite n wrote in down in the book which i'm readin off frm now, i may haf left out some details here and there but dun blame me lor! anyway, after the farm we had dinner then went to watch 'The Pointer Sisters' perform and it was free! well, a very country kind of band but their singing is really damn nice la but i slept half-way cos i was damn tired! anyway, on the way back home, btw there are few street lights on the roads on nite here, my sister scared us alot cos she kept goin 'MOM U'RE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD GO TO THE LEFT!!!' at me n my mom but we're actually suppose to drive on the right side of the road. well, the result of little sleep and goin out the next day from morning to night lor! anyway, moving on to 'Hairspray'! well, we went on the next day wif my aunt and her friend. well, for dinner we went to Dairy Queen where they really had very nice burgers but the fries were really salty n worst part is tt the salt jus sticks on the fries cos they're really oily but the taste is seriouly damn nice! well, tt was my first unhealthy meal ever since i came on 4th August so i guess its not tt bad lor. well, then we watched the overly hilarious (at least to the 4 of us) movie and then on the way back, there was this stretch of road tt really had no lights at all which meant PITCH BLACK except for the headlights of the car and there were really sharp bends and pitch black and sharp bends NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER mix! it was a little scary lor! actually worse than a roller coaster cos the ride got track to follow but car dun haf leh! well, then we reached back home. then on saturday, 25th August, my dad was arriving and tt was the first time tt i have EVER been for morning mass and Novena in my life! well, after mass n Novena we headed to Aberdeen Centre in Richmond to yum cha (in case u din noe its a.k.a. dim sum) then after the yum cha, which we surprisingly finished in 1/2 hour, we went to some shopping centre jus opposite Aberdeen Centre (i forgot the name la) to look for my chinese CDs and my sis n i bought the ISWAK(It Started With A Kiss) OST n then headed off to the airport. then after tt when we reached home, we all showered then went for mass. well, i think i should already stop here cos its quite long already rite? n i also wanna rest my hand and eyes! well...until next time (which is either tomorrow night or sunday!) BYE!


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