Wednesday, August 15, 2007


hey all! i know i said i'll create a new blog with a tagboard n stuff but i suck at such stuff so i just change the template...haven't added a tagboard though.

anyway, i've been in Canada for abt 2 weeks now and its been some parts boring some parts really fun. well, the first day we(my sis n me) arrived, we went for fireworks that night and is was a competition between three countries, spain, china and canada. gotta say, its all nicer than singapore's NDP parade fireworks(no offence though). well, surprisingly, its quite hot here though its much much much more cooling than being in singapore but the sun is really strong still. anyway, the next few days were just going around to get to know the area better and for me to remember how to walk to school.

a few days later, we went shopping and we all(my mom, sis and me) got our canadian hp numbers at guildford mall. then we went shopping around the area and my sis practically went crazy at all the stuff they were selling and even said she wanted to buy the whole store many times! but seriously speaking, those stuff were really really really great but expensive too! well, i found tt though the clothes were nice n all, but they jus dun fit my looks.

on the weekend tt jus passed, we went for the blueberry festival in cloverdale and it was really nice. the first place we went was the honey bee place where they showed us how the bee keepers would get the honey out of the combs and it was really nice. i found out tt bees also make wax and they use the bee wax to make candles tt is suppose to clear all the dust in the air and stuff like tt.

next, we went to somewhere which was where most of the activities were taking place and the first thing we did was watch a blueberry pie eating contest. it was really jus for the fun of it tt a lot of kids took part and some adults did too! its like those pie eating contests which you sometimes see in cartoons where they cant use their hands and have to eat a whole pie finish and they'll end up with the pie all over their faces and clothes. it was really like a cartoon! then we went outside the surrey musuem were there were perfomances put up by ppl young and old and the performances were not by professionals but it was jus for those who wanted to take part for the fun of it not like in singapore where everything is quite restricted but you could really tell that a lot of the performers were have the time of their lives and there was a group of teens doing a dance and though they made obvious mistakes, they laughed while doing the dance and it was nice jus to see ppl perform and enjoy themselves so much. cos in singapore, i seldom see ppl who aren't professionals performing and having the time their lives!

finally, we went somewhere near the surrey memorial and there was a car show where vintage cars were put up for display and surprisingly, some of them date back to the 1920s and are still in very good condition tt they can be driven around and some can even be driven around in winter too! i was thinking of putting the pictures up but my sis still hasn't helped me reduce the size of the pics yet so i gotta wait. but the cars are really old but really nice!

today, we went to my sis' university, UBC, by public transport there and back and the public transport here is really slow! some buses come every hour when it's off peak. in fact, most buses in surry come every hour off peak. well, after the 1 1/2 hour bus, sky train, then bus ride to the campus, we had to start guiding ourselves around the campus which is seriously huge! huge enough to have a shuttle service to bring ppl round. well, with all our "great" sense of direction, we got lost quite alot before finding my sis' residence which she found out was all the way inside and far away from all the buildings her subjects for her faculty will be held and she has 10mins between each class to get from one building to another so she now plans on getting running shoes especially for the campus so she can brisk walk/run to her buildings. we then ate lunch and had a mudshake or somethin like tt at macs which was mint and chocolate shake mixed and though the name may not be that pleasing, it was really nice and like all shakes in macs, it was super thick.

well, after that, we headed to metro town which took us abt an hour, maybe a little more. by then, it was close to 5pm already. we went shopping at metropolis and as expected, my sis went crazy again over all the nice clothes they were selling there.

then, we went to the T&T at the basement and it was definately bigger than the one at guildford mall. my sis n i then saw all the biscuits, like hello panda and pocky and others, we never expected to see here but now we know where to go to buy stuff like this! then we bought sushi back for dinner and we had to stand on the skytrain from metro town all the way to surrey central which was abt 1/2 and hour and then had to wait for the 502. well, at least we got a seat on the bus so we rested our feet. then when we got off, we had to walk for 10mins all the was into the house but considering tt we're now in canada, a 10min walk to the bus stop from the house is seriously fine but cos we jus came from singapore where its really easy to walk around and where the public transport system is so much better, we always think that a 10min walk to a bus stop is really a lot but to the canadians and my aunt who's been here for at least 10 years, a 10min walk to the bus stop is considered luck already!

well, better go off to sleep already! getting a little late and i'll need to wake up early tomorrow! can't wait till school starts on 4th Sept! can finally make new friends here and not be so bored. well, hope i'll update soon and not abandon the blog again! take care all!


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