Thursday, October 26, 2006

Handbell life

Hey! so wad u peeps up to after PSLE??? well...handbell life sux at times but rox at time 2! lets hear the bad first! Bad: IRRATATING PEEPS! THEN...THEY HAF NO DISCIPLINE INSTALLED IN THEM! NEXT...THEY SHOW NO RESPECT! PLUS...THEY HAF THE WORNG ATTITUDE!!! now the good(actually there is more bad...but nvm). Good: it totally rox! then...we (at least i) can scream n shout at the p3&4! next...we can go CRAZY!!! plus...we haf great trainers(at least used to but now we oni haf 1 great trainer)...the SYF tt my batch competed in in 2004 n 2006...we attained gold! then this year in brisbane for the ajudication for youth groups...we attained grade 1 which was the best out of 5 grades! then...peeps from other countries were impressed with our performance during the symposium in the convention centre in brisbane! handbell life for this year was great! ohh ya...n amanda yip from 6 lily was elected president of the CHIJ TP Pri Handbell Ensemble! yay amanda! then cassandra from 5 honolulu was elected vice-president of the CHIJ TP Pri Handbell Ensemble! well...i gtg! bye! tell u more soon now tt my psle is over(actually it was over weeks ago)!


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