Monday, June 04, 2007

exams, pea and june hols

hey all! i know i never updated according to plan la...meant to update in Canada but totally forgot bout it! sry if y'all were waitin 4 somethin to come up soon...can never trust me to update that fast...currently using the slow and old to my sis. i'm actually watchin 'Frasier' n updatin my blog...can someone help me? gimme somethin 2 tok abt? oh i know...the mid-year exams...did ok oni la...not that great but passed...topped e class in math n science with pathetic marks...hmm...what else? oh the post exam activities...first day after exams finish...monday we had some full day retreat...did alot of reflection and started thinkin bout e day i'm leavin...haiz. tuesday we had some chinese culture...made a face mask design on a paper plate that actually seems quite freaky. then wednesday...erm...cant remember what we did that well. lol...thursday and friday oso actually cant remember...then the following monday went for general leadership from morning to evening...went round slightly pissed...hurt my leg...more or less bout it...tuesday was games day...capt ball competition then after that mass dance...quite sucky...we got second last place for overall...capt ball we sucked...mass dance we also sucked...erm...wednesday forgot wat we did...thursday we learned the pledge in the diff languages...forgot wat we did before that...friday we had founders day...sec 1&3 went to primary school side with the pri 1,2 and 5...the squeaky 1s&2s and the irritating 5s...sec 1s that came frm ijtp pri were dam happy n started makin fun of e teachers like we used to...all e poor pri prefects had to wear the prefect uniform with the cock shoes...poor heels of theirs...pity all the prefects... they must all have suffered alot to be in that uniform...then so hard to sit too...well...then the june holidays started...on saturday i had cat camp till monday afternoon...on saturday we played were assigned our groups and dorms...then we got to know each of our other group members to know our facilitators who were Matthias, Debbie and Joanne...our facil Matthias and group member Matthias like twins...both went to Cat high then went sji n both join rugby... both same position also! haha...then Joanne went to ijtp pri like me the went ijtp sec like me then join band like me then was also in cornet! lol...but our names not same...haha...then Joanne had to move group cos 1 group needed help...they were short of 1 facil...then in the afternoon we played mini quite dirty...went to shower n then went for dinner...after dinner we had our first praise and worship where a few people cried...we reflected alot...then after that we had to make a flag and cheer for our group and were assigned a group name which was, of all things, Power Rangers...then we went to sleep...then on sunday we woke up at 6+ n got ready for prayer at 7 then went to sentosa for amazing race and joanne joined us cos matthias was not there that day...really fun but got sunburnt...the first station was the spider web that was located behind the merlion...we had to crawl through strings that were tied all over and get to the other side...then the second station was the mt imbiah lookout... that station we had to use only one finger each and carry a pole up that time debbie left cos she had somethin up...not sure wat...then after that it was already close to lunch...and we din haf matthias our group member cos he was sick so we had to leave him wif the station masters at the first station...then we got lost trying to make our way to underwater world...then mark, the facil of another group, made his group wait for us n came to get us...we felt dam least the gals did...then cos we couldn't make it we just went straight for lunch...then we got held back for 30 mins cos we din do 3rd station then had to miss it...then we went to the forth station where we had to bury one of our group members and make a design...and matthias our group member had joined us back...then stephanie offered to get buried...then after that we went to the fifth station where we had to transport marbles from one end to needed alot of team work and it really worked...then we were told to go to tanjung beach and then we were made to fill plastic bags with sea water...this was suppose 2 b a challange between each class...then we were introduced to a diff form of was the nature prayer...we were made to stand in the sea with the water at knee level...then we were asked to be quiet and listen to our surroundings...then i started praying but heard the facils say 1,2,3! then i knew we were gonna get wet...then when we all got wet, we all retaliated and splashed water back at all the cathegists and facils...then we went back to the retreat house...we showered, had dinner then we had prayer session...then on monday we got up at 7+ and went for breakfast at 8. after that we had our debrief...then we had mass and were then made to clean up everything and unchoke the sad but all in all the camp was a total success and i think most of us had great fun during that camp but sadly that was my first and only cat camp that i was to have...sads that i'm leaving so tryin to decide if i should go for cat classes after the break or i've gotta make my decision...haiz...i need to go off n band tomorrow...n IF i remember i'll update you on my hol schedule which is totally full and i'm tryin 2 find time to do my work...should haf spent this time doin it but i really need a break and i remembered bout my BYE!


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