Sunday, January 06, 2008


Well, I've still to find out the results of the stress test but she'll most probably go for the operation on Wednesday. It's decided that my sister is going back on Thursday as long as there is a seat. This'll be my last post before I'm going to not update for a really long time again because school starts tomorrow. Winter break is over. Well, this week is going to be really horrible with me walking to school EVERY SINGLE DAY and walking back EVERY SINGLE DAY because no one is available to send me to school or fetch me back either. Add the fact that on Day 2s I've got gym AND band. So that means I'll have 5 files, 2 thick textbooks, my pencil case, my gym bag, my lunch bag, AND my instrument to walk to school with. It's not going to be the best day. Well, I've got to go sleep now. HOPE to update soon. I can't promise anything. Depends on the amount of work the teachers give us. Well, it's going to be cramming from now till exams because we've got 1 week of lessons, 1 week of the basketball tournament, 1 week of revision, then exam period already! Cram, cram, cram! Well, I'm going to do my BEST! Must always JIA YOU! Night all!


Blogger ][*(zoeeeeeee!)*][ said...

haha i dunno when you
re gonna see this but jia you for exams okay??? oh and walkings good(: excerciseeeee. although, i hafta admit, walking in snow or with lotsa stuff isn't the best idea :/. anyway, i gtg now.tuition =.= haha byeeeeeeeeeeee! take care!

08 January, 2008 00:42  

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