Friday, January 18, 2008

Happy and nervous!

Hey! I'm back once again! Well, just had my French oral and I nearly got perfect. I said 'Je mange le diner apres les classes.' for one question and she marked me down by a half mark! What's wrong with saying I eat my lunch after class? Well, another mistake was pronouncing 'et' as 'a' in the passage. The rest was fine. Well, the BC Catholics Basketball Tournament started on Wednesday afternoon. That was a tiring day for me. I reached school at 8am because I stupidly left the house at 7.30am. Then we had class until lunch and after lunch, there was PE but because of the tournament, we couldn't use the gym so we didn't have PE. So we were watching the game. Then I went for my last class which was band. Then after school, I watched games 1, 2 & 3 until 6pm. Then I went up to the drama room for PREP class that started at 6.30pm. Class ended at 7.45pm and then I went back down to the gym and watched the game until 9pm and then walked home in the below 0 temperature. Well, that was Wednesday. Yesterday, the Crusaders boys and girls team played at 10.30am and 12pm. Glad to say that both won! Well, had no class at all yesterday and was sitting in the hall way knitting with Sarah and Monica after the girls game because we weren't bothered to stand in the gym to 'watch' the guys play when we couldn't even see what was happening. So we then went off and sat in front of my locker and practiced our oral while knitting. Then today, we didn't have any classes again. So we were preparing for our French oral which were all at different times. Sarah's was at 8.45am, mine was at 10.15am, Monica's was at 12.45pm. So then Monica switched with someone and then I was the last to go for oral in my class. Well, it wasn't that bad being last actually. Oh and the Crusaders were playing at 4.30pm and 6pm today. Well, then there's actually a dance that's still going on right now but is going to end soon. Well, then tomorrow I'm actually suppose to do stats with Monica but Sarah had to get her PE hours and she took my spot. I actually really wanted to do stats with Monica but since both of them needed their hours, I let them do it. Well, I'm actually thinking of going to Tim Hortons for breakfast and then going to school for the tournament. But right now, I don't even know if I want to go for the tournament or not. Part of me wants to, but there's this lazy part of me that wants to sleep in and not go. I've still to decide and tell Monica and Sarah if I'm going or not. There's this part that wants to cheer on the teams, and the other part that wants to just watch shows on my laptop. Should I go or not? Well, I'll decide tomorrow morning and tell them. Hopefully they won't be mad if I decide not to go. Well, I've got my exams coming up soon so I'm gonna finish watching KO One before my mom comes back and after she comes back, I'll start studying. Yes, start, not continue, because I've really not started at all and I need to know the WHOLE BOOK OF GENESIS for my religion test! I'm going to be so dead on Friday! Oh well, that's what I get for not studying! Gonna go continue watching my show! Bye!


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