Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'M BACK!@!@!@

bleh...exam week coming up already. Well, glad to say that the sadistic me is back. I realise that after my night time prayers really helped me. I asked God to give me a hug and he gave me so many hugs on Sunday through the awesome J-CRU people! You people rock! Well, God works his own way and he always has stuff planned out for us. He actually gave me the will to walk to and from church at night when the sun is not out and it was below O degrees! God works miracles for me! He let my sister stay till Saturday instead of Thursday, He helped the doctors perform a successful surgery on my grandma, He gave me so many hugs, and right now, He got my grandma out of her crucial week of recovery after surgery and she just needs to stay at a community hospital for a while before my family gets her back in the house! Well, got my exam schedule already. I've got French oral this Friday, Religion test the following Friday, English @ 8.30am on Monday, right after that I've got my French written @ 11am, Science on Tuesday, Math on Wednesday, Socials on Thursday, and Friday is a holiday! Well, still have to sign up for my band test. Anyway, I better go sleep. I'm going to have a long day tomorrow. Don't have to worry about me already! I'm so much better after the hugs! Plus, I'll get them every other Sunday at J-CRU and my mom's coming back on Monday! WOW! He really does miracles! I'm so glad I finally made him a part of my life after 13 years of being a CHRISTian!@!@!@ Love and miss y'all! Take care!


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