Thursday, January 31, 2008

Snow day again...

heh...yesterday was another snow day. well, today went to school so yeah...not that sian. oh and my mom said that people can get depressed in winter from staying home and doing nothing to much. I'm not that surprised. When i stayed home for just slightly less than 72 hours, i was bored to death! on tuesday, the bible study was cancelled, on wednesday, the prep class was cancelled. well, this is now my exam schedule:
Friday, 25th January - Religion paper @ 1pm
Monday, 28th January - English paper @ 8.30am
French paper @ 11am
Tuesday, 29th January - Snow day
Wednesday, 30th January - Snow day
Thursday, 31st January - Science paper @ 8.30am
Band testing @ 11.40am
Friday, 1st February - Math paper @ 8.30am
Sleep-over/birthday party @ Sarah's after paper
Monday, 4th February - Socials paper @ 8.30am
Tuesday - 5th February - School's on as usual while exams that were supposed to be held on 1st Feb goes on
Wednesday, 6th February - Ash Wednesday/PREP mass
Thursday, 7th February - Chinese New Year
Friday, 8th February - Chinese New Year
Saturday, 9th February - Youth mass for Valentine's day
Wednesday, 13th February - Report cards issued
Thursday, 14th February - P/T Interviews
Friday, 15th February - No school because teachers worked over time on Thursday

so this is more or less my schedule for the next week or so with the bible study on tuesday nights and PREP on wednesday nights. oh and also with children's liturgy of the word on sunday mornings. well, i'm actually supposed to be studying for my math exam (like i actually study for math...) and preparing for my socials exam that'll be on monday...well, i've got to go! hope to update soon!


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