Saturday, August 08, 2009


Ok, I'm falling asleep! I slept at like, 3am this morning, and I got up at 8am. HAHA 5hrs of sleep isn't enough for me! So yesterday, I had TWO birthday cakes. One for Mama's 80th that was on Friday, and the other for Uncle Augustine's 55th on Tuesday.

So, in the morning, Gab and I went to Din Tai Fung to buy Xiao Long Bao for lunch. Godma bought other dim sum stuff from else where. Then had to collect cake from Prima Deli. Came home, ate lunch, then ya. Cut cake after that. Then got ready to go to Aunty Florance's house.

We were supposed to leave at 5.30, ended up leaving at 6.50. Haha. When we were walking from the station to the house, Vanessa called asking where we were, so we thought we were late. Haha. Then I started walking faster and faster, and it was freaking hot! Then when we went there, we ended up the first there -.- Aunty Linda's family had to take bus because Uncle Hilary couldn't get home in time to fetch them. Then after the catered dinner, we played guitar hero on the Wii. After we played guitar hero, cut cake. Damn super duper nice cake! Ya, then Cel, Val, M&M played Waving Rabbits. Damn funny to watch! Ya, then Gab was saying it was late, so we had to go.

This morning, went for 9.45 mass at Risen Christ. Went for the YC canteen after mass with Val. The food wasn't bad. Then I had to talk to Les. Quite an interesting talk. Then I didn't want to go home, because Yeye is in a VERY naggy mood today. Surprisingly, I ended up just going straight home, and not to J8. HAHA. Ya. Then when I came back, I was supposed to let Gab sleep in the afternoon. You know what happened? I ended up sleeping at 2pm until 5pm -.- So ya, in between writing this post, I fell fast asleep -.- I came home so early for nothing! Haha. Ok, now I'm bored.

Talking to her tomorrow! I don't know what to say...but then we're going out after that. I hope all goes well :S Ok, I'm going to watch 'Up' with them tomorrow. Anyway, I shall go off. Bye!


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