Monday, August 24, 2009

Messed up

What is wrong with you guys? Just because I'm gone for TWO months, all my stuff have been moved! I've already said DON'T EVER TOUCH MY FREAKING STUFF!!!!! You could have AT LEAST ASKED ME where I want my stuff! Freaks! Now I can't find my stuff! And I know you're gonna blame me for not freaking keeping my stuff nicely. I know you. You always say it's my fault. My life's just messed up. I'm just glad I only have to survive 2 more months here. And stop freaking asking me if I'm sure! STOP MAKING ME FEEL LIKE I'M MAKING THE WRONG CHOICE IF YOU CLAIM THERE IS NO WRONG CHOICE! What's wrong with WANTING a challenge? Isn't that what YOU FREAKING WANT ME TO HAVE? Stop messing with me! Asshole. No, actually, it's not just you. IT'S EVERYONE! It's my life. Let me do what I want. STOP TRYING TO MAKE ME STAY WHERE I DON'T LIKE! And why did you tell them that I love it here? I NEVER SAID THAT IN MY LIFE! Never will I prefer it here to home. I've said that I liked both places equally, BUT I HAVE NEVER EVER IN MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE SAID THAT I LOVE HERE ANY MORE THAN HOME AT ALL! You know what, forget it. I can't be bothered about it anymore. Don't blame me if I ignore you when you ask me that question again. I can't be bothered to answer to that anymore.


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