Sunday, August 30, 2009


Ok, so today we had a potluck picnic at Fleetwood Park! We meaning JCRU. Yup. Saw Kathryn at 8.30 mass today. Told her my news, and apparently she knew because Kevin saw my posts on Cabralda's wall, and told Kathryn. Haha. Yup. Then saw Regina, Tintin, Emily, Catheren, and Alex at the potluck. Told them too. Sadly, Kathryn, Catheren, and Tintin all won't be teaching PREP this year. I'll be teaching till the lesson after my birthday. By then, I'll have to stop. Yup.

Potluck today was really fun, except for the fact that I couldn't play Twister because I can't put pressure on my toe still. (I'll tell more later.) Wanted to play this game where we are supposed to walk around, and someone's a killer who winks at you, and then you die. Did it in Drama class in Sec 1. But I didn't want my toe stepped on, so I ended up not playing. Mostly say around with Cat the whole time. She's another cripple, along with me. Haha. She dislocated her knee and hyperextended her muscle, and tore her ACL and stuff like that. Went for surgery not long ago, and she's on crutches now...again. She tends to either hurt her ankle or her knee a lot. Yup. That was about all.

Oh, about the toe. Yesterday, I was lying stomach down on Tim's mattress in front of the TV. Then as I wanted to get up, my toenail somehow got stuck in the carpet. -.- Weird part was that my nails aren't even long. Weirder part is that my slippers were on, and my toe couldn't exactly reach the carpet, but it happened. HAHA. Anyway, my nail broke, and it started to bleed. Then I wanted to wash it under water, but apparently, IT HURTS LIKE I NEVER IMAGINED IT WOULD!!! Yup. So I barely got a few drops of water AROUND my toe, and I immediately took it out of the water. Haha. Yup. Best part was that as I was walking after the bleeding stopped, I FREAKING STUBBED IT AGAINST THE CORNER OF THE COFFEE TABLE!!! Of all times to stub it -.- So yeah, couldn't exactly wear any shoes today. I never even thought that putting on my jeans would hurt! Just because it rubbed over my toe A LITTLE, it hurt so bad! =( And I guess Mom didn't think I needed gause (sp?) to cover it yesterday WHEN IT WAS EVEN WORSE! And this morning DURING mass, she said:" I think you should cover it up with gause." !&%*$ She tells me this after I struggle getting my track pants off and putting my jeans on??? So nice. And I struggled sleeping too, because I'm sleeping in my fleece blanket, and it keeps rubbing against my toe, because I like to roll myself up in that. OUCH! Yeah. That's the story of my toe. AND it happens to be the big toe, which I learnt today, is the most important toe, because it's the one that keeps you balanced, and makes walking SO much easier.


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