Tuesday, March 18, 2008

*dead blog alert*

Sorry all! I've been super super lazy to update my blog and reply to emails =D Well, I had my retreat on March 8-9 @ Loon Lake. It was so fun!

Ok, so Dre (Andrea) was my group leader and Mrs. Jones (Anna's mom) was my cabin leader. Ok, so on Saturday, we were actually late because the stupid ferry was so slow. Well, when we got there, we met in the gym and said the opening prayer and had a little praise and worship session. Soon after we had lunch. We still didn't know where our cabins were yet. Yeah, then I had some noodles for lunch. It was a little cold but I didn't mind my food being cold.

After lunch, we went hunting around for our cabin and found out that it was just next to the gym! So much for climbing up and down. Then we had a little freetime and I had to do my English project that was due on Monday. So great...yeah.

Then skipping ahead. I'll just summarise. We had a few skits that were telling us of the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit. Yeah and we had a talent show too. Camille sang and although she's small size, she sings way louder than me! It was so amazing. Well, the talent show was just for the fun. No winners or losers. Yeah and many people were asking for a dance and that's what we got. Well, Camille, Mary Jane, Alexa, Melissa, Miranda, and I were just standing at the side talking. Alexa was telling us her story of how cats came to earth. It was hilarious. Well, then had supper and slept.

*Time change. Lose 1 hour of sleep children!*

Ok so DLS is started and we lost an hour of sleep. Then summary of the second day. Had praise and worship, we read our letters from our sponsors and JCRU played some music, some people including me cried.

Oh! I've got to tell you this weird thing. ok...i was sitting there reading my letter and crying. I was thinking *I really need a hug right now. I feel so lonely.* out of nowhere, catherine bunagan (my group leader in class) came and gave me a nice big hug! so did aryton and dre. They're such nice people. It was like they read my mind and gave me a hug! Oh, the more freaky part was what catherine said to me: "remember you're not alone kay? JCRU members are always there for you. just tell us what's wrong and we'll try and help." i felt that God put me in the retreat for a really good reason: to realise that i have more people caring for me than i think. i was like OMGosh! she read my mind! yeah and i realised that i really do have JCRU. i'm new but like everyone knows everyone and we're like family to each other. i really mean that. we just hug each other everytime we meet on sunday or on outings.

after that had praise and worship. then had the "Our Father" skit where tin was saying the Lord's prayer and God responded and she was only saying the prayer and not 'praying'...well, i'll tell more tomorrow. night!


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