Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I wrote all these poems about my feelings when I couldn't sleep on Saturday night. All these poems have no title and proper rhyme scheme.

10th February 2008 @ 3.02am

I always thought we were close,
But that may not be the truth.
My thoughts are just opinions,
The truth may be the total opposite.

I'm lonely in this strange, new place,
You're back home with them all.
I've not been to a party here,
While you're having a ball.

You see familiar faces,
While I recall the places.
We'd gone through thick and thin,
But now, all that's in the bin.

I just want to relive
Those memories from the past.
But time just never stops for me,
It just goes by that fast.

So hereis my conclusion,
Just listen to me now.
We've changed a lot and can't change back,
I simply don't see how.

That's the first poem. I still have 2 more.

Funny how we don't
Remember the small
Incidences of help we've given
Each other. Indeed,
None of us would. That still
Does not mean that we should go our
Seperate ways. But that's what has happened.

The last one. Just to let all of you know, this is how i really feel.

Frankly speaking, we've somehow parted
And this was something I thought impossible. Well,
Mission accomplished. You've proven to me that nothing is
Impossible with God's help. I don't know when I'll
Lose any of you. I really love all of you.
You mean the world to me but I feel seperated from all of you.

Well, I've actually got one more.

Friends may turn to enemies through fights.
It's never happened to me and I'm very
Grateful. But we've parted and I really
Hate this feeling of isolation. I bet it feels the same as fights. It was
Too soon for me to leave but I had no choice.
Soon enough, I'd lose a friend through a fight.

Ok. That's all the poems I've got for now. I figured that there were some friendships I had that ended unexpectedly. I've had some good ones that may have lasted. We just sort of got preoccupied with transection of primary to secondary school. We went to different schools and just never kept in contact I guess. There was one where it ended over a slight misunderstanding that just got worse and worse. I still know the person who was trying to split us. She never apologised and claimed that she was my very good friend. I doubt she knows I know that she did it. I just pretended that I was still her very good friend until I left. I've been ignoring her since. She just doesn't realise it. I never patched up with that person because she's always ignoring me. If she wants to keep it that way I'm fine with it. It's not like I keep in contact with her anyway. I just know her contact details. Well, I've got to go sleep. Night!


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