Friday, April 17, 2009

Very sian...

I'm going to die la. I got 5As and 3 Bs for interim report cards and dad's going to kill me la. And I have to cook dinner again. That's why I'm super sian now.

It actually amazes me that I cook dinner so often, but I have not succeeded in frying an egg without burning the bottom, or if I don't burn the bottom, I cook the yolk to much, and I always want the liquid egg yolk. So yeah, I cooked yesterday too, and I had to just warm up the 'currypop egg' (as Popo and mom calls it) by adding water, dark and light soy sauce, salt, pepper, and sugar. Such a simple combination, yet my mind that can easily do Maths and Science can't figure out how to cook that. But yet, I can fry things perfectly fine. I bake fine too. I just can't cook anything that I have to let simmer in something. I fail at cooking things with sauce and gravy. Eggs are my weakness too. That's why when I go back home, I'm staying over at Uncle Hil's to learn to cook from Popo!

Ok, I swear, yesterday was a weird band class. Mr. Cabralda randomly brought up the fact that we talk too much during class and we have to play more. So then I was wondering why that sounded so familiar, then I realised that I typed that up while talking about Seattle. Then after that he was staring at me with a weird look on his face, like he knew something about me. So now I'm wondering if he knows about my blog. And this morning, he brought Timbits to jazz band! So postponing the practice wasn't too bad, and it was worth waking up early too. Then after school, I was walking towards the band room, and he started staring weirdly at me again, then suddenly asked what I got in band. Haha. Mr. Cabralda is super weird la.

Ya, so my conclusion of this is that Mr. Cabralda is my weirdest teacher, but he's my favourite la. He's very nice. There was one Saturday that we had a jazz band festival that lasted for the whole day, and when we went for dinner, he paid for all our drinks la, and there were around 20 of us, and some of us ordered a few drinks because we were there for about 2 hours or somewhere around that.

Oh, and the SCB is going to Banff next week. I want to go la! So sad, can't afford. You know, if I went, I'd be performing for senior band, jazz band, and concert choir! I'm doing so much music stuff this year. 3 bands and 2 choirs: Gr. 9 Band, Senior Concert Band, iJazz One, Extracurricular Choir, and Vocal Jazz 2. So yeah, I really want to go to Banff la, but I'm going Montreal already because of Tim's graduation at the end of May. Oh well, the worst is that I'm actually missing the Kiwanis for the Gr. 9 Band, the actual band that I'm supposed to be in. Ok, I should go do my homework. Busy weekend ahead! International Brunch @ St Matthew's Parish on Sunday @ 9am - 2pm!


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