Monday, December 29, 2008


I'm sorry you had to find out this way.
But we were never that close.
I don't know what to say.
I hope you still my friend.

想念 長了翅膀 他跟著我流浪
獨自 背著行囊 看著人來人往

躺在陌生的床 眼睛沒辦法合上

但是我無時無刻都在想 你的臂彎

給我力量 陪我闖蕩
把愛留在 我的心上 超越了太多夢想
時光匆忙 不曾遺忘
隨時可以回頭看 那些時光
你在身旁 給我的溫暖

給我力量 陪我闖蕩
你給的愛 放在心上 陪伴著每個夜晚
時光匆忙 不曾遺忘
有天可以回頭看 那些時光
你在身旁 忘記了悲傷

Memories, growing wings, he is drifting with me.
Alone, carrying baggage, watching people coming and going.

Lying on a foreign bed, eyes cannot close.
Thinking of the problems I had to pass these years.

Maybe I am too stubborn,
But I am always thinking of being in your arms.

Give me strenght, be beside me exploring
Maybe we won't talk
But leave love on my heart, it is beyond too many dreams.
Time has gone by fast, I have never forgotten.
Anytime I can turn my head and look at those times
When you were beside me, the warmth you gave me.

Give me strength, be beside me exploring,
Maybe it is too late to say,
The love you gave, put on my heart, accompanies me each night.
Time goes by fast, I have never forgotten.
One day I can turn my head and see, those times.
You were at my side, and I forgot about sadness.


“躺在陌生的床 眼睛沒辦法合上

I can't seem to move on.
How am I suppose to continue on like this?
I'm always reading of how I have to accept it before I move on.
But I've accepted it, why am I not moving on?
I realise that I've been on the same topic ever since I left, maybe even before.
I keep saying I've accepted that you've changed and moved on, so why can't I?
I really want to move on, but I seem unable to.
Lord, help me, please.
It really hurts, but I can't seem to do anything.


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