Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm back...

I haven't been blogging for a really long time now.
So, the main events that have occurred over this month that I never updated were the following:

1. Camp Heart
2. GM Place Centiniel Mass for the Archdiocese of Vancouver
3. Chan Centre Performance

1. Camp Heart
This was most probably the best camp I've ever been too, not saying that my other camps were not good, but this really made me realise things I should have realised a long time ago. That our God is a forgiving God and it takes a lot for us to be unforgiven by Him. Camp started on Friday, 7/11/08. Like most camps, it was more of a bonding time between groups and learning of the P&W Songs for camp. So it wasn't really much. Saturday was the day that changed my views of things. So Saturday was more of talks during the day and stuff. But the talk that really moved me was talk three, the one that was talking of how Jesus was present in our lives and helped us out during difficult times and I felt like I related to that a lot, especially because of what has been happening within the past year that was filled with a lot of sadness and trials. I kept crying because of my problems that I never ever shared with anyone before, but I finally found a true friend here, one who I knew since grade 8, but just got to know her better this year. It was amazing how I just trusted her so much even though I rarely talked to her last year, and I just started this year because we have so many more classes together and we're in choir together too. I'm not going to name anyone, but something in my told me to pour out my problems to her. I did exactly as I felt because I really couldn't hold it in anymore. I'm pretty sure she doesn't really understand what I'm going through, and she even said so herself, but the main point was that she was just listening to my problems, and when she didn't know what to say, she just gave me a nice big hug. There was another person who was with us, and she was my group leader for that camp.

I have never seen her at all before, but the same something in my told me to trust her with my problems. She didn't know what to say either, but she knew how it felt to have a split up family, but her's was a slightly different case. I knew that not one of my friends would fully understand what I'm going through, but I knew that they were there as my comfort. My request to God for a person or friend I could talk to about this problem was finally answered after 10 months.

Then after that, we had confessions and mass, dinner was after. Skipping ahead, we had this session of our group leaders praying over us for us to recieve the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This was the time that changed me. After we were prayed over individually, and during that I was crying for no reason, and I felt really happy, we were asked to go back and sit and say our own prayer. Then, out of the blue, someone started screaming because their body was rejecting the Holy Spirit that was trying to get it. It was kind of scary but I tried saying a prayer for that person on my own. Then I finally decided to join my friends and we were praying over them for a really long time. Then after they were fine, someone else started screaming and crying. I then felt really scared because I thought it was a sort of posession and Father Dave was called in to pray over and everyone was praying over them. Then the music ministry for camp started playing P&W songs. After everything was over, we gathers as one, and we sang a lot of the songs we learnt. When we were learning it, no one was singing, but that time, everyone was singing. I started to cry again when we were singing 'Have Your Way'. It was written by one of the YFC guys, and I felt it really related to the situation, because it was God's way of showing His presence and how powerful He really is. Just that one night changed my view of God's power, changed my view of how teenage Christians were never that strong believers, and I admit that before that night, I was never such a strong believer. It was the most memorable night for me in my life. Then we had a talent show after that, and then bed time. Sunday, I felt so scared because we were asked to write a letter to our parents containing things that we could never tell them but would really like to tell them. I had a very strong feeling that we would have to give it to them, because we had to give it to our group leaders for collection. Then true enough, our parents were all there, and I honestly didn't want to give my letter to them, at all. After that day, after they read the letter, I have not cried about missing my family anymore, and my parents never pushed me into choosing where I want to stay anymore. That was not only the most memorable camp, but the most memorable weekend for me too. I really hope to get another chance to go for a camp like that again.

I've got to go sleep now, so I'll elaborate on GM Place mass and Chan Centre Performance some other time.


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