Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bible quote!

Time for Bible quotes!
Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the light. No one comes to the Father except through me."
This kept reminding me of the song 'One Way' by Hillsong. I realised that during all three retreats that I've been to, this was the common song among them. I know that I cried at the last retreat just because of this song...reminded me of the great retreat I had with the CC1 class before I left last year. Oh well, I still miss everyone. Truthfully, I still cry when I think of my friends back home.
Yesterday at PREP, we were talking about youth and going into highschool. Then Christina knew I was already in highschool and asked me to share what youth means to me. I then said that youth to me means building on friendships. I told them of how I had a very lonely first week of school when I absoulutely knew no one at school. I only knew their names but I didn't even know how the were.
We all have made friends from a very young age but they keep changing. Sometimes to the point where you act like you've never met. It's happened to me. I told them how I had to leave my friends behind when I was actually just really building on our friendships after so many years and how hard it is for me to leave. It's like, you are at a stage where everyone starts to change and you finally figure out who your true friends are.Then you are made to move to a totally different and foreign country where you don't know anyone at all and start over. It's a really hard transition. It's always the worst when you are finally getting to know your true friends and then you're asked to move away and make new friends. Then you have to go through the same process in a shorter period of time which actually doesn't help at all.
Yeah, so that was yesterday's class. Well, I need to finish my projects. I've got 5 projects. Ciao!


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