Monday, March 24, 2008

She knows!

OMGosh! I can't believe Reyes actually knows who Wu Zun is! And she actualy likes him! OMGosh! I never knew that she'll know him. She's from Philipines and he's from...Taiwan/Brunei. I thought only Phoebe and me knew of him here. I'm surprised! Well, I've been told that Phoebe is actually moving from HC to LFA next year! No! I need you Phoebe! You're the ONE AND ONLY person I can speak chinese to! You can't leave me! I'll be stuck with Kenny and his cantonese...I want mandarin...oh wells. Hope it's just a rumour of some sort...I'll be going to sunshine coast on thursday! YEAH! Cya guys soon (I hope)!


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