Sunday, March 30, 2008


Hey! So glad I came back from Sunshine Coast yesterday! I went bowling with Dre, Vids, Tin, Em, Nesan, Matt, Camille, Aryton, Azaria, Alex, Isabelle at Xcalibur Bowling Alley! My day was so great!

Ok, so I went for 10.30 mass to help at the Children Liturgy. After mass, I met up with Dre and Vib so they could bring me to the alley. I went to their house for a quick small lunch. I love their house! It's so small and cosy! Ok yeah. Then after that, I left with Dre to go book the lanes first. It was cosmic bowling so all white things would glow in the dark. I forgot and I was wearing a totally white jacket and was glowing all the while. I was quite good at bowling and the last time I bowled was more than 5 years ago. It was girls vs boys and we beat them for both games that we played.

We ended 30 mins late so Dre asked Vib to take me back because she had to go for Music Ministry practice at church with Camille and Tin. I kept telling her that she could just take me to church and let me walk home but she kept asking Vids to take me back. So we passed T&T and Vids asked if I knew the way back but I honestly forgot. So I told Vib to take me back to his place for me to walk home and he was like 'No!' So I asked him to bring me to the Tim Hortons near the Shell and Chevron at Fraser. So he took me there and I guided him home. Somehow, Dre never allows me to walk home from church alone.

Then when I got back home, I was called for a game of mahjong with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. Oh just to mention, it's my aunt's birthday. Ok, so we were playing and I won the first round. Then for the next few rounds was either my uncle or cousin. My aunt only won 3 or 4 rounds for the whole game. She was bankrupt when I won the dui dui wu. She couldn't pay me enough. It was so hilarious. It was her birthday and she lost really badly. Then we stopped at 7pm to get dressed.

Went for dinner at Elizabeth's Chalet in Cloverdale. Finally had my escargo and raw oysters! Super nice! My mom says I eat weird food like fish head, fish eye, chicken feet, escargo, oyster, cockles, muscles, etc. which is totally true. I picked up eating fish parts from my yeye and cousins' previous maid. I also learnt to eat chicken feet from yeye. The snail and oyster was when we were at some restaraunt near far east plaza. Really old building. The cockles and muscles was at Grace's 12th birthday party with the barbeque. Dinner was really filling for me. I had steak too. Well, I've got to go sleep now.


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