Tuesday, August 12, 2008

4 days...

...before leaving.
Can't explain this feeling.
A feeling of happiness but yet, a feeling a sadness.
I love it, yet I hate it.
Can't even find the words to explain what I'm experiencing.

Friday, 8th August
Ok, so I got up and ate lunch almost immediately. That's how late I woke up. Yeah.

So I started making the oreo base. So I finished up the crushing and I melted and mixed it. Then I started to pre-heat the oven and was about to cut the cheese blocks and put them in the mixer only to find that I was holding icing sugar in my hand and not caster sugar. So I turned the oven off and wrapped the blocks back up. Then, I ran to NTUC at central because I just missed the bus. So then I took 15 minutes to find the stupid sugar because I was just too blind. I realised it was practically in front of me. Yeah. So then I went to wait for the bus and then when I got off, I ran all the way in.

So I started to pre-heat the oven again and cut the blocks up. So after heating the oven, I started to bake the base. Recipe says 10 minutes at 400 so that's how long I left it in there while I used the beater to mix the cheese, sugar, and eggs. Then after 10 minutes, I took the base out. ONLY TO FIND IT BURNT! The worst part was that because the cookies started off black, I couldn't tell if it was done when it was in the oven.

Ok, so I was thinking to myself 'It's fine. That's just the base.' So I mixed the batter and added the cookies and poured it into the springform pan, only to find the batter just at the brim of the pan. So I told myself 'It's ok. the cake wouldn't rise that much.' So I started to bake the cake and instructions said 60 minutes at 400.

Then I started to boil water to soak the mixing bowl and the 'K' beater. Then my sister calls and asks me to help her find a Shepherd's Pie recipe for her. So I was like 'Ok, I've still got 45 minutes before the cake is baked.' Or so I thought. So I started to get the recipe and called my sister to give it to her. Then our mom came on MSN so I decided to ask her for the recipe she uses. Then, after I got the recipe, my sister asked me to help her measure how much beef she should cook for the potluck and how many potatoes she should mash. So I decided to be a nice sister and do that.

So I measured everything, converted it, and called my sister to tell her. Then I went to check the cake 45 minutes into baking to find it not white with a little brown (like it was supposed to be), but instead, ALL brown. I was so pissed at myself. So then I found out from my sister that night that the oven is a turbo oven and cooks faster. I was thinking to myself 'Yeah, sure. Tell me only after I bake and not say anything when I asked about the oven.' So I was like 'Forget it. It's still very edible.' And it was. My cousins said so.

Then I had to transfer the cake from the pan to a plate. So I took the rim off and tried to get the cake off the base. Then I saw that the cake was surrounding the whole edge of the base so there was no way I could get it off without 'hurting' the cake. So I was a little 心疼 to 'hurt' it but I ended up doing it.

So that was my hectic and Frustrating Friday.

Saturday, 9th August a.k.a. Singapore's birthday
Ok, so I slept early on Friday because I was super tired and frustrated. So I got up early, being unable to sleep any longer. So I was up before my sister and second brother. Not very often that this happens but yeah. So then I started to find something to bring my cake in to the potluck.

Then after I found it, my sister, who got up not long after I did, was asking me to bake HER shepherd's pie. So I asked her why and she said she wanted to study. So I was thinking 'It wouldn't hurt to help.' So I had to go early with my brother to bake it. When she said bake it, I thought she meant she'll tell me what to do. So I was waiting for her to tell me where she put the stuff and the recipe. Then I waited until lunch, only to find that she already left the house. So I called her and asked her where she put all the food and the recipe. Her response was 'I don't have the recipe. You need to go and buy the potatoes, carrots, onion, and garlic from NTUC.'

I was freaking pissed at her when I heard that. So I was rushing because we were suppose to get to my aunt's around 4pm. So then I remembered that she didn't have the recipe. I started to think to myself, why the heck didn't she write it down when I told her over the phone? She claimed to be studying at church when I told her the recipe so she was bound to have a pen and paper in front of her. And if she knew she wouldn't really remember it, why didn't she write it down? So then I wrecked my brain trying to remember what my mom told me.

So when I went to my aunt's house to cook it, I just did it from memory and I knew it wasn't very good. But you couldn't blame me. So I spent the whole afternoon preparing and cooking the beef. Then the potluck, my sister was telling me that the beef was very blend.

So I just didn't really care about that. Then we had karaoke. I sang 'At the Beginning' with Val, 'Dancing Queen' with Vanessa, 'Beauty and the Beast' and 'Colours of the Wind' with Celeste, 'Super Star' and '當你孤單你會想起誰' by myself. I think that was all I sang. Can't really remember. Then we left the house around 11.30pm. Yeah, then we got home about 12++.

Sunday, 10th August
Ok, got up early so that I could shower before mass. I mean early as in 4.30am early. To think I slept around 1am. Then we left for church same as last week. After mass was breakfast, cat class, and then I met Amanda. Ok, so at the end of cat class, I started taking pictures of Kimberly, Carissa, Bernadette, Jeanette, Herman, and myself. Then I found out from Val that she was going to open the room at 2pm. So after class, I went to meet Amanda at Risen Christ after the 11.30pm mass. So then her parents gave us a ride to TPC and we had lunch at Mos Burger and we were super high.

Then we went back to church after that and we found out that the room was already open so we went in and studied. Then at 3pm, we walked to the entertainment centre because Dwanye claimed he was leaving his house around 3.15pm. So we went arcade and played basketball, bishi bashi, and para para. Then we were playing there until 4.45pm because we were STILL waiting for him. He finally came and then we started to walk back to church. Then when Amanda went to buy bubble tea, he went upstairs to LAN just to 'check if anyone was playing'. Then we said we were only waiting for 5 minutes before we'll leave him behind. Not long after he went up, he called to say that we could go first because his game is already starting. We were so pissed. Oh then we were about to go back to the room but we were told it was locked. So we went into the room Val was in.

Ok, so we were staying in that room for a while. Then Sam was asking if we wanted to go back to the room to study and we said no. Then she was telling us must study. So she asked us to go back down to the room with her then we can study too. So we decided ok la, we'll just study. Then after a while we realised it was already 6pm and Amanda and I had to go home very soon. Then Amanda came up with the idea of me sleeping over at her place. So I called my dad and he allowed!

So went home, ate dinner, packed my things, and then I left and met Amanda at Risen Christ. Then we stayed there for a while talking to people there, then after that we walked to her house. Then when we reached, the first thing we did was go on the computer. Lol. Then after that we played monopoly when we had nothing else to do. We were practically buying everything that we were landing on. Haha. Then we started to buy houses and eventually hotels. Quite a crazy game of exchanging money between the two of us. Haha. Was a very high game. We were for some odd reason very high that day lor. Yeah, then we went to sleep at about 1+ in the morning or maybe even 2++.

Monday, 11th August

Ok, so we woke up about 8.30am around that. Then we played the computer again and I played her cornet! Long time never play already! Haha but I could only play one octave. So sad...can't play anymore. Oh well. Then we started to get ready and we had breakfast. Then at about 11.30am we left her house and started to walk to TPC and take train to Raffles City and meet Dorothy there. Then at 11.40am, Dorothy called me saying that she'll be late because her brother was making her wait. So when we met, we went to eat Subway in the basement. Then we were talking about school and life. Oh, and because Chloe couldn't come, Dorothy was telling us about how our innocent-looking cute friend wasn't as innocent as we thought. Dory found out when they started talking about our P6 HB performance and how Mdm Lim just didn't wait for Chloe and started the song.

So Chloe still holds this grudge against her and as they were talking about it, our dear Chloe was just swearing, not the horrible ones but still swearing. And according to Dory, it's hilarious seeing such an innocent girl swear like that in the middle of a conversation. Haha. Amanda and I were trying to imagine it and we just couldn't stop laughing.

Then after lunch we started to walk around the mall, but we went into everyshop and always came out empty-handed. That place if freaking pricey! But then again, the designs on the stuff were super nice! Oh well. Then we went for Ben&Jerry's in the basement and we were getting high all over again. Haha. We talked about super random stuff. Then after that we went to Suntec City and we walked by the Zip It push cart and Amanda and I just had to but those pouches. It's so cool! I got a handphone pouch and Amanda got the pencil case. Then because we wanted our names on it, we had to wait 30mins before we could collect it. So we went arcade.

Then at arcade, we played basketball, bishi bashi, this game where you had to throw balls at the screen and kill stuff, and DDR. Haha. Amanda's pro at it. She's pro at para para and DDR. So we were talking about mixing DDR and para together to make an actual dance. Because para used hand movements and DDR uses steps. So combining them would give you a full dance. Lol.

Then after that Dory had to go home, so Amanda and I went to church again. We always go there when we've got nothing to do xD. Then started to stone at the steps for a while. Then we went to the kopitiam opposite and ate jap food. Then after that, we went back to church, only to find out that everyone else went just went for dinner. So we stoned at the steps again. Then when they came back, we were so tired that we didn't bother going up anymore and just stayed where we were. So then around 8.15pm we left church and walked back to Amanda's house. Then I went to get my stuff and went home from there.

So that was the busy but fun-packed weekend I had.


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