Monday, July 14, 2008


Hey! Just if anyone didn't already know, I'm back and I've been to school twice. I plan on going more. Just not that soon. Anyway, I've forgotten all my problems ever since I came back. I totally forgot about the illness and everything. Until today at least. But I don't feel at all scared because I've seen them and I see two everyday and one every Saturday. So if you're wondering how I'm feeling about this, I'm great just to let you know.

Yeah, so I'm really grateful to be back and all. And I really love them so much! I was so happy to see her the minute I came home, although she were already sleeping and all, at least I knew she were safe and nothing happened. But he was actually in hospital, but he came home the first evening I was back so it's all good! Oh what I was really happy about was that my brother and sister came along with my dad to pick me up, but my other brother had to work the next morning so he didn't want to go. Oh! I have to tell you my cousins' reactions.

Ok, the one who's just a year older was so tired after preparing for her Church's funfair when she got home on Saturday the week before, and you could see it on her face because she had to go to school in the morning for choir too, but when she saw me, she literally ran to me and gave me a really nice big hug! I was so happy to see her that I really had tears in my eyes. Then my twin cousins a year younger that me though I was my sister! Just because I layered my hair, they though I was my sister. Yeah, to that was their reactions. The rest of them didn't have much reaction. Well, my oldest cousin saw me the week before I left Canada because she came up after a wedding in Seattle. So she really didn't have a reaction when she saw me. I didn't have a reaction when I saw her too.

Yup, so that was the reactions I got from my cousin. And I honestly thought that my cousins couldn't really be bothered that I left. I never knew we were this close! I know we were that close when we were younger, but then I felt as if she didn't want me to be so close to her. Maybe at that point she really felt that, but I really missed her when I left but we seldom spoke. So I was wondering if she ever thought of me. Well, she obviously did! And I am so glad about that! Well, I better go off. Bye!


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