Sunday, March 30, 2008


Hey! So glad I came back from Sunshine Coast yesterday! I went bowling with Dre, Vids, Tin, Em, Nesan, Matt, Camille, Aryton, Azaria, Alex, Isabelle at Xcalibur Bowling Alley! My day was so great!

Ok, so I went for 10.30 mass to help at the Children Liturgy. After mass, I met up with Dre and Vib so they could bring me to the alley. I went to their house for a quick small lunch. I love their house! It's so small and cosy! Ok yeah. Then after that, I left with Dre to go book the lanes first. It was cosmic bowling so all white things would glow in the dark. I forgot and I was wearing a totally white jacket and was glowing all the while. I was quite good at bowling and the last time I bowled was more than 5 years ago. It was girls vs boys and we beat them for both games that we played.

We ended 30 mins late so Dre asked Vib to take me back because she had to go for Music Ministry practice at church with Camille and Tin. I kept telling her that she could just take me to church and let me walk home but she kept asking Vids to take me back. So we passed T&T and Vids asked if I knew the way back but I honestly forgot. So I told Vib to take me back to his place for me to walk home and he was like 'No!' So I asked him to bring me to the Tim Hortons near the Shell and Chevron at Fraser. So he took me there and I guided him home. Somehow, Dre never allows me to walk home from church alone.

Then when I got back home, I was called for a game of mahjong with my aunt, uncle, and cousin. Oh just to mention, it's my aunt's birthday. Ok, so we were playing and I won the first round. Then for the next few rounds was either my uncle or cousin. My aunt only won 3 or 4 rounds for the whole game. She was bankrupt when I won the dui dui wu. She couldn't pay me enough. It was so hilarious. It was her birthday and she lost really badly. Then we stopped at 7pm to get dressed.

Went for dinner at Elizabeth's Chalet in Cloverdale. Finally had my escargo and raw oysters! Super nice! My mom says I eat weird food like fish head, fish eye, chicken feet, escargo, oyster, cockles, muscles, etc. which is totally true. I picked up eating fish parts from my yeye and cousins' previous maid. I also learnt to eat chicken feet from yeye. The snail and oyster was when we were at some restaraunt near far east plaza. Really old building. The cockles and muscles was at Grace's 12th birthday party with the barbeque. Dinner was really filling for me. I had steak too. Well, I've got to go sleep now.

Monday, March 24, 2008

She knows!

OMGosh! I can't believe Reyes actually knows who Wu Zun is! And she actualy likes him! OMGosh! I never knew that she'll know him. She's from Philipines and he's from...Taiwan/Brunei. I thought only Phoebe and me knew of him here. I'm surprised! Well, I've been told that Phoebe is actually moving from HC to LFA next year! No! I need you Phoebe! You're the ONE AND ONLY person I can speak chinese to! You can't leave me! I'll be stuck with Kenny and his cantonese...I want mandarin...oh wells. Hope it's just a rumour of some sort...I'll be going to sunshine coast on thursday! YEAH! Cya guys soon (I hope)!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


ok i know i promised to update but i've got a test on the last day of school aka tomorrow. so imma continue studyin'. i'll most prob tell tomorrow after school ends. SPRING BREAKS HERE! well, almost...night! tell you abt camp 2moro!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

*dead blog alert*

Sorry all! I've been super super lazy to update my blog and reply to emails =D Well, I had my retreat on March 8-9 @ Loon Lake. It was so fun!

Ok, so Dre (Andrea) was my group leader and Mrs. Jones (Anna's mom) was my cabin leader. Ok, so on Saturday, we were actually late because the stupid ferry was so slow. Well, when we got there, we met in the gym and said the opening prayer and had a little praise and worship session. Soon after we had lunch. We still didn't know where our cabins were yet. Yeah, then I had some noodles for lunch. It was a little cold but I didn't mind my food being cold.

After lunch, we went hunting around for our cabin and found out that it was just next to the gym! So much for climbing up and down. Then we had a little freetime and I had to do my English project that was due on Monday. So great...yeah.

Then skipping ahead. I'll just summarise. We had a few skits that were telling us of the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit. Yeah and we had a talent show too. Camille sang and although she's small size, she sings way louder than me! It was so amazing. Well, the talent show was just for the fun. No winners or losers. Yeah and many people were asking for a dance and that's what we got. Well, Camille, Mary Jane, Alexa, Melissa, Miranda, and I were just standing at the side talking. Alexa was telling us her story of how cats came to earth. It was hilarious. Well, then had supper and slept.

*Time change. Lose 1 hour of sleep children!*

Ok so DLS is started and we lost an hour of sleep. Then summary of the second day. Had praise and worship, we read our letters from our sponsors and JCRU played some music, some people including me cried.

Oh! I've got to tell you this weird thing. ok...i was sitting there reading my letter and crying. I was thinking *I really need a hug right now. I feel so lonely.* out of nowhere, catherine bunagan (my group leader in class) came and gave me a nice big hug! so did aryton and dre. They're such nice people. It was like they read my mind and gave me a hug! Oh, the more freaky part was what catherine said to me: "remember you're not alone kay? JCRU members are always there for you. just tell us what's wrong and we'll try and help." i felt that God put me in the retreat for a really good reason: to realise that i have more people caring for me than i think. i was like OMGosh! she read my mind! yeah and i realised that i really do have JCRU. i'm new but like everyone knows everyone and we're like family to each other. i really mean that. we just hug each other everytime we meet on sunday or on outings.

after that had praise and worship. then had the "Our Father" skit where tin was saying the Lord's prayer and God responded and she was only saying the prayer and not 'praying'...well, i'll tell more tomorrow. night!

Monday, March 03, 2008


Hey! I went ice skating with dre, marianne, cathrine, chantel, nikki, camille, alex, azaria, jina, and isabelle. We're all in J-CRU except for camille. She's in my PREP class.

We went to the fleetwood leisure centre along fraser and we planned on going to ensomnia for bubbletea after. But then dre thought of going to tim horton's since it was just across the leisure centre but no, isabelle and jina just wanted bubbletea so we ended up going to ensomnia. ok, so only dre drove and she could only take 4 ppl with her. So camille, isabelle, and jina went first cos they were the youngest and chantel accompanied them to stay with them while dre came back for us. ok then dre met us along the way cos we all started walking. Then there was 6 of us so 2 of us had to walk. Ok, so i walked with nikki while the rest went with dre. So then i started talking to nikki though i really didn't know her except for her name and how she looks. I found out alot about her and she found out alot about me too. It was a really nice walk. Well, when we were just close to a block away from ensomnia, dre reached us so we got in the car for a block. Yeah, and quite a few of them were playing DDRExtreme. I don't play DDR so yeah. Well, we shared 5 baskets of fries among 12 ppl. Well, that wasn't too bad. Then I had my first cup of bubbletea in years! It was nice to have my mocha ice blended here. Yeah, then renae came to ensomnia coincidentally. Yeah, that was Sunday for me.

Oh well, today was really tiring for no reason at all. Oh, and I celebrated my early day coming this friday too early. We had to miss half of lunch for band AGAIN and I was suppose to go for mass choir which means that my whole lunch will be gone without eating. No way. So i never went for choir. Well, when they said that everyone was to leave at 11.30am on friday because of the entrance exams, the 'everyone' excluded the band 8 class and teachers. ZOMG! i'm so pissed! Like, the people who NEED to freaking practice don't even care. The rest do. Band was horrid today. Only 2 people ended 'Genesis' on time. Sarah and myself. Ok so we were practicing for festival and he didn't stop us. Ok, fine. 'Los Matodores' was horrid too! I was the ONLY freaking person who ended WITH MY CONDUCTOR. I was like 'WTH'. Ok, then 'Secrets of McDougal's Cave'. That was worse. Sarah and I were trying to get the bass clarinets back to the correct rhythm of bar 43 (band ppl will know) but the just really couldn't hear us. I really doubt they heard us. It's IMPOSSIBLE (not almost) to hear the bass instruments because the freaking percussion people don't understand simple english. They were supposed to play freaking double piano (soft) and not freaking triple forte (really loud). For those that don't do music, let me just put it in simpler words. Compare a room with soft-spoken people to a room with out-spoken people. That's the difference. Well, so my half-day is gone and I have to pack my camp bag before Friday and not on Friday anymore.

Oh, just to let all of you know, I'll be going for my confirmation camp from Saturday to Sunday. It's really short but yeah. Sort of looking forward to it. Well, I'm really tired so I'm going to have an early night. Night all! Miss ya!

Saturday, March 01, 2008

I'm Back!

ok so i'll update you on what's been happening since I last updated...hmm...22nd feb. nothing much to talk abt. 23rd feb...oh! I went to Rachael's house that near Cloverdale. It was HUGE! We were doing our SS project there. She had a huge games room upstairs that's close to twice the size of the kitchen! Oh, and her family own a FARM! She's also got 2 dogs and a cat that go anywhere they want to. They've got a barn full of cows too! Oh it was so cool! Too bad I forgot to take pictures. I planned on taking pictures to post here but I seriously forgot about it when we were doing our project. Well, yeah. That was Saturday for me. I didn't do anything worth talking about on Sunday. Then Monday till Thursday was the usual school day. Oh! Thursday we had open house and I was 'volunteered' by Mrs Sousa to help her at the Open House!

Well, all I've got to say to her is 'THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING ME DO THAT!' It was so fun! Well, after school, we were supposed to help make letters with different designs spelling the words 'Creative Communication Inc. International Poetry Competition'. I was helping Kathryn and Regina to finish the poster for the 'Pennies for Many' campaign that we have to run. Well, then I was dragged with Emma to help Mrs Sousa put up the long strips of paper containing the poetry competition winners and another long stip of paper for the visitors to write their own poems on. We weren't able to put all the words and poems up before supper, which was pizza and pop (I'll talk about it later), so Mrs Sousa's team had supper cut short.

Ok, talking about supper time. Well, we were all gathered into the Gym for rules and to say grace before eating. We were allowed 2 slices of pizza each and a can of pop before going for seconds. My group of friends and I were near the back of the line. Then we figured that there were people before us who were already going for seconds! Well, Mr Dejulius told all the people going for seconds to go to the back of the line. I didn't feel that hungry so I just took 1 slice of pizza and pop. When I got it, I started eating and realised that it wouldn't fill me. I thought of going for seconds but we didn't have much time and everyone else was already going for seconds. I wouldn't have gotten a piece anyway. So I was telling myself that I'd eat when I get home. So then the open house started at 6.30pm and Sarah, Angelica, and I were walking around with the Happy Cup/Bowl to ask students for donations because we were not supposed to ask visitors. We were just suppose to let them ask us what it was for before asking them to donate. Oh! We all got this nice shirt that says ' Holy Cross Open House 2008 Portes Ouvretes ? Ask Me' The french words mean doors are open. Well, I never sat at all throughout the whole afternoon so when I got back home, my feet were all red and I was super hungry. Oh! Sarah and I promised Kathryn to watch their choir performance and I've still got the songs stuck in my head!

Ok, then when I went back, my feet were red and I was starving. I then ate instant noodles with oyster sauce, ketchup, and roast pork. Then my mom made me ice my feet so I actually slept with ice packs tied to my feet. Then in the middle of the night, I took them off and my feet were really hot after that so I slept on the comfortor and not under. Then I woke up again because I was cold. And I was so tired that I slept for close to 12 hours.

Well, then after I woke up I went to the library with my mom. We went to guildford for lunch but went to SFU to submit some stuff for Gab first. Then I saw Angelica, Diane, and Martyna while walking to the kopitiam (a.k.a. food court). After lunch was walking to the library just across and on the way I saw Chelsea, Natalie, Jeremy, and Marlo. Well, then spent about 2 hours in the library trying to find stupid poems. Then it started raining and we walked back to guildford in the rain because we didn't have an umbrella with us. Then we went to wal-mart and bought stuff. Out of the blue, I wanted to bake choc chip muffins today so we went to save-on to buy choc chip. Then we went to the fish & chips shop just next to save-on for dinner. That was yesterday.

Today, I woke up to a nice blue sky although the weather predictions were rain and clouds. I wanted to go to Tim Hortons for breakfast but I felt so lazy so I slept in until 12 and had cereals for breakfast. Then I started baking my muffins after breakfast. So then after that I started this post. Then I'm going to go for the usual sunset mass and then I've got nothing to do after that. I gtg shower already. Mom's bugging me to shower now...Sorry for the long break of not updating for so long! Got to go! Bye! Miss y'all!