Monday, May 18, 2009

Haven't posted for a long time...

Ok. I don't remember when the last time I posted was so yeah. But I'm still keeping track of the record number of weekends that I spent with my Godma's family. I think it was the first weekend of May? Yeah. Probably. Ok, so then at that time, my record was 4 weekends. Now, it's 6 weekends. Last week, we went to Othello Tunnels in Hope, and Hell's Gate in Yale. Was fun. Then yesterday, we watched 17 Again, courtesy of Ashley. It was more of a comedy than anything else if you ask me.

So, today's Victoria Day, and I'm at Godma's house, but I'm still bored. Haha. I'm currently supposed to be working on my essay that either shows Napolean as a tyrant, or a hero. I didn't exactly remember to bring my Socials textbook home, so I'm not exactly working on it. Yeah. I should actually start, since it's going to be due while I'm gone, and I won't have much time to work on it during the trip either. I've got to remember to collect all my homework for next week before I leave too! So much to do, yet so little time that I assign to it. Although I really have a lot of time. I need to remember about getting service hours for PE too! Oh crap!

I can't wait! Thursday is the Kiwanis for SCB, then Friday is Music Night. Saturday, we're leaving for Montreal! Haha. I'm finally going to Niagra Falls!!! But when I come back, it's going to be the last 2 weeks of school, and I'm totally not prepared for exams. Haha. I feel like typing in Chinese for some reason.


Monday, May 04, 2009

I was amazed, but now I'm not.

I really don't know you do I? You seem to have forgotten about the email. Have you really? Or are you just avoiding it? Why is it so hard to face it? I'm just hoping it's because of your exams that you don't have the time to reply. But then again, you spend so much time online that you can create a quiz, and do multiple others. Why is it that you have the time for all that, but you never have the time to improve our friendship? Why is it that you've stopped talking to me again? Am I just holding on to a rope that ends before I even see the ground? Am I just not letting go because I don't want to get hurt, but at the same time hurting myself more? I don't even know if you're reading this. If you are, please stop giving me false hope. I really want to improve it, but if you don't want to, I don't know what to do. I can't seem to let go. If only I never left. I really miss you a lot. Can we at least try to work it out? I don't want to let go without trying and regret it later. I won't feel great, but at least I'll feel better if I let go only after we tried to talk it out and tried to improve it. Please don't give me any false hope. I'll feel stupid.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

My busy life.

I just realised that I spend almost every single weekend out with Godma's family.
11th April - Shopping in Seattle/Sightseeing
12th April - Easter Lunch/Looking at Houses
18th April - Cooking Kueh Pie-tee Shells
19th April - International Brunch/Flower Nursery
25th April - Shopping with Chelsea for Presents
26th April - Tulip Festival @ Skagit/Mt St Helen's
3rd May - Tulip Festival @ Agassiz/Harrison Hot Springs/Fort Langley

LOL! I have not spent the weekend home for 5 weekends in a row. On 2nd - 5th April, I was in Seattle with the Band.

I don't have time for myself much either.
Monday - Choir after school.
Tuesday - Jazz Band before school. Bible study at night.
Wednesday - Jazz Choir after school. Stay in school till night to teach PREP.
Thursday - Jazz Choir before school during festival time. Jazz Band after school.

Yeah. My busy life. You can just look at my photos on Facebook to see my trips and stuff. I don't want to post really long posts. I'm too lazy to do it. Haha.

Why is it that you're distancing yourself from me again? I can't tell anymore. I sent it to you, you read it, but never replied, claiming to have no time, but you had the time to do all those things. You know I miss you and how I feel about this, so why won't you reply? It really bothers me, because I think you don't want to improve it with me.