Saturday, November 24, 2007

RETREAT into friendship???

hey! haha...erm, I'm sorry if I misled anyone from my previous post! I think I misled everyone into thinking I became emo after I left the sun in my life back home! I'm really sorry if I misled you! I was just bored and wanted to LIVEN my blog with COLOURS!!! =P Well, to get on topic, I just had my PREP (Parish Religious Education Program) retreat. It was supposed to be an advent retreat but somehow, it never actually related to advent. It was all along related to making friends and opening up to out CCD classmates! Well, I've really gotta say that the lunch was really great! There was really nice caesar salad, lasagne, boiled corn, garlic bread, chocolate pudding, and lemonade! It was really much much much nicer than I ever expected from a place like this! I remember the CC1 camp I went to in May at IHM Retreat House, the food was always catered for ALL our meals for THREE DAYS! Haha...well, now I really can't wait for the overnight retreat in March! So for today, we went to Rosemary Heights in White Rock. It used to be an old convent for the nuns. Well, we started the day off by playing a game. We were supposed to go to the opposite gender, introduce ourselves, and then pull the person up and sit in his/her seat. We were all in a circle and the gender with most people up lost. So the girls won 4 out of 6 rounds. The guys won 2 out of 6 rounds. We were then divided into our groups and we passed around a baseball and kept telling something about ourselves. Our group name was the Perky Purple Souljas. Guess what our cheer was...the Soulja Boy dance...whatever that was...anyway, we were then asked to prepare a skit based on different parables. Our group got the parable of the unforgiving servant. Some skits were done before lunch. Went for lunch. Continued doing the skits. Did a really mini version of Praise and Worship. Mini as in 2 songs...haha. Then we did the affirmation letters thing. It's so common everywhere! Well, after that we prepared for mass. I was made to sing in the choir cos my 2 friends in grade 8 who were leaders there asked me to go with them. Out of my kind heart, I did. BTW, the CCD class consists of grade 7s that need to get confirmed only. So that explains why I've got friends same age but are leaders in case you were wondering. Yeah, then after mass we went to collect our brown bags filled with the affirmation letters and I got one from my usual group leader in CCD class, Alex. He was really creative and made this small card for all of us in Group 5. Yeah, well, I better stop now. I think you are all really bored at reading my horrible english. Well, you should read fanfics on their english for some of the writers are seriously much worse than mine. So yeah. Cya soon! Bye!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

We're drifting...

Why do I feel that when ever I try to start a conversation with you, your mind is elsewhere? Why is it that you keep saying you are busy when I come on and it is the holidays? Why do I feel that you are not keeping your side of the promise? What ever happened to the "You will never be replaced in my heart!" at the depature gate? What happened to the "I'll call you on your birthday for sure!"? Or even the "I'll talk to you online!"? Were all these lies to make me feel better on that day? If they were, why did I feel that your tears were real? Why did I feel that you really meant it? I've kept to my side of the promise about keeping you updated about my life, what about you? What happened to the memories we had together? Have they all dissappeared like how I'm starting to fade away from you life? How is it that we are so close yet so far? When are you going to tell me about your life after I've gone? Or are you trying to hint to me that you only made lies to comfort me and cheer me up? If you wanted to cheer me up, let me just tell you this: I really thought you meant those. You made me have so much high hopes in staying close as if I'd never left, but now, all of it is just the past. It seems like you don't need me anymore. I've got questions that I would really love answers to and only one person can answer those questions. That person is none other than you. The questions above, only you can answer them. You know who you are, so respond to me. Unless you really want to break all ties with me and just stop talking to me, please respond. I am really down. I hope I got my point to you. I get the hint if you don't reply me soon. I am starting to get the hint. I just want to see what excuse you'll use this time for not even saying a 'Happy Birthday!' or a 'Grats, you're finally a teen!' a month ago. I hope you realise how much damange you've done to me with such little, or should I say big, actions. I'm not trusting peers that much anymore. That's the amount of pain and damage you've inflicted on me by these actions of yours. I could have sworn that you really meant those words. Maybe you've changed. Everyone's bound to change. I guess I'm just taking a longer time adapting to this new "change".