Reflection again...on my weird dream?!
Ok, I just feel like blogging. I don't know about what, or why. I just want to.
Man, I miss talking to Les, Ash, Mandy, Ryan, Vern, and all of them! I miss sessions too.
*yawns* I can't believe it's not even 7pm! I'm already tired. You know what, I have 24 days left to BOTH STUDY AND PACK! Damn. I really need to step up and get going. I've barely started Sec 2 science. Chem is hard! But I like it. Haha. Oh. Trig ratios and equations are super hard to memorise! But again, I like it. HAHA. Maybe that's why I wanna go back. I love challenges! =D Ok, back to studying I go!
Ok I just spent the whole of today studying! I can't believe it! And OMG I totally didn't realise that I have 30 days left here! And I calculated, I have only 15 full 24-hr days left AT MOST! Sian la. I was just thinking about that, and that was good enough to get me studying from 11am to 1.30pm. Break for lunch. Studying from 2.30pm till 4pm. Ok, I think I'm going to watch 换换爱 and if I have time after, I'm gonna continue studying again. I finally have the motivation to study! =)
WTH! I finally see Ash online after 17 days, and guess what I happen to be doing? GOING TO BED! Damn it la. Haven't talked to him for so long lor. Haha. So I arranged to talk to him early in the morning. Must go sleep now! Haha. Bye!
Hey. Just wanted to acknowledge these people who've made my life intresting.
Ok, ever since visiting the Grotto of our Sorrowful Mother in Portland with the family, and talking about our faith with Tim and Mom, I've started to think a lot. Especially on the question 'If I wasn't born a cradle Catholic, would I have converted to this faith?' It's really bugging me, and when I saw what Aunty Linda wrote to Mom, I realised that it's very true that the majority of cradle Catholics, but not all, don't have a very strong faith, especially when compared to those who chose to learn about the faith on their own. Now I start to think, if other's who never grew up with this faith can have such strong belief, why can't I put in the effort to be like them? Follow as closely in the footsteps of Jesus as possible? It's amazing what influence others have on us, especially those who we thought were just like all of us.
You know, on the trip to Oregon this past weekend, I realised stuff. Like, I realised that my dad's just trying to do all he can to help me, and it's not like he's going to get anything out of it. He's just doing it all for me. I finally understand what Tim and my mom have been trying to tell me.
I'm going off to Nelson tomorrow with Godma and family, and Chelsea! Yay! Haha. Coming back on Monday. ^^ Then Wednesday would be the first CCD class for the year. Thursday the family's off to Oregon! Going for 6 days. Haha. I'm enjoying my holiday! Haha. I've had so many holidays this year!