Friday, October 09, 2009

Reflection again...on my weird dream?!

Ok, I feel like blogging, but again, I have no idea what to blog about. Should I try Lester's way again? Haha. I'm talking to him right now. But the day has barely started, can I really just keep writing when nothing much has happened today?

Ok, firstly, it's already 10/10 in SG, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO VERNICE, MARC, AND MATTHEW!!! So, I woke up early JUST TO SMS VERNICE! Haha. And thankfully she got the sms. She replied too, and I wasn't expecting that.

Oh! This morning when mom was preparing to go to work, she was in the kitchen, and she turned on the tv! Was so loud! =( Then I woke up, but thankfully I was tired enough to go back to sleep! Haha. So yeah. That was my sleep for the night. Not very intresting actually, but I have nothing else to talk about. And this is all that's coming to my mind, so yeah, I guess I do have stuff to talk about.

Oh, and I had this super weird dream! I WAS BACK IN P6! =D And then our classrooms changed totally! Instead of individual desks, we had the group desk that looks like /===\ kind of thing. Haha. Ok, I don't know if you understand what I'm talking about but yeah. And then, I had to leave class for this field trip with the P2s?! Super weird. But then on the feild trip, I had to leave half way again! And this time was for a family party TO A GOOSE FARM?! HAHAHAHA yeah. Oh, and a pigeon farm too! Like wth. Then I had to join the P2s again to go back to school. On the way to the excursion bus, there was this lady who was washing bird shit off vehicles and the pavement?! Yeah. HAHAHA and then this group of cheerleaders walked pass her, and the started laughing at her. Then she used the hose she had in hand, and sprayed all of the cheerleaders. AND THERE WERE SO MANY CHEERLEADERS! Like, more than 50! Yeah, then when I got back to class, I was grouped up with PSY, SKL, Yamcake, and Turtle! HAHAH. Of all people, Turtle? I'm not even that close to her! I barely talk to her. And Mrs Tan was sorting out this whole wall that was full of pencil cases hanging on hooks! And you could write on them, and still erase it off. Like a whiteboard kind of thing. Haha. Then because Turtle had to take this test that was supposed to be a surprise, but she already knew of it before. Then Mrs Tan asked who told Toh Mie. HAHA of all names that came to my head, TOH MIE?! Lol. Haha. Then Turtle said Mee Yin, refering to Min Yee. BUT, we never had a Min Yee in our class, and she was refering to Min Yu! HAHA my dream was super messed up! And then, that's all I remember of my dream.

And, I promised to bring Verns to the zoo and night safari when I go back IN 2 YEARS! xD She still doesn't know I'm going back. So yeah. I'm gonna surprise her when I get back. I CAN'T WAIT!

14 days! But I haven't packed. How to pack?! I still need to use my clothes! =( I MISS SG! I miss Lesty. I miss Vern. I miss Ash. I miss Kiki. I miss Ry. I miss Val. I miss Gab. I miss Celly. I miss Vann. I miss the family! I miss Risen Christ and the sessions too! Oh well, time's coming soon!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Don't think, just write (type). A way of reflection I learnt from Lester.

Ok, I just feel like blogging. I don't know about what, or why. I just want to.

Sometimes, life's just that hard. But wth, just deal with it. Everything that comes your way gives you a new experience to remember each time. When you're wrong about something, you learn. When you're right about something, you learn. You never stop learning.

Something I really leart from CCD today is that no matter how young or old you are, you really never stop learning. Adults learn to be kids. Kids learn to be adults. We all learn to understand each other. If only life was that perfect. Everyone understanding each other. How much it saves my ears from things I really don't like to hear.

I just really hate it when friends tell me that they hate their siblings. Hate is such a strong word. How can you use that against your siblings?! That is something I can never understand. Yes, I admit, I use to fight with my siblings a lot when I was younger, but I have never said that I've hated them, and I never will. My siblings, in fact, my whole family, mean a lot to me. I think that I've said I hate my dad, but now that I've changed the way I look at things, I really doubt that I hate him. I think it's just the fact that a lot of the times that he chose to annoy me, it happened when I was annoyed with other stuff, but because him annoying me was always the most recent thing, I just vented about that, and nothing else.

Life is something we should never take for granted. There were multiple disasters last week. The tsunami in Samoa, the flooding in Phils, the earthquake in Indonesia. Sometimes, I really love nature, but then again, it can turn its back on us, and drastically change our views. Life is something that should be treasure, not taken for granted.

I heard that Kathryn and Kevin's cousin was lost after the flooding, but they found him. Thankfully. I started thinking about what I would be feeling if it was my cousin who was lost. Or worse, if I was the one who was lost. How would I have felt? Then I realised, this could actually happen to me at anytime. You'll never know for sure.

I've learnt a very important lesson at CCD today. No matter how young or old you are, you'll always be welcomed by everyone at Church. Somewhere that age really doesn't matter. We've got teachers with us from ages 14 to 60+. Right here is proof to everyone that adults and teens CAN work together. Those who really don't like their parents, you should really come for just ONE lesson, and I'm sure you'll be shocked at how all of us are just that close.

Even back home, look at the cathechism classes back home! The adults work together with the teens to teach all of us too! Is it really that hard to just TRY and understand our parents and siblings? I can testify that family is the most important thing in life. Family and love. I learnt today that it has been proven that if a baby doesn't have physical contant with human, it will die.

Today, we talked about the Sacraments. Ayrton and I had to do the outward sign skit, but I guess we didn't really get our message across to the kids. They don't really understand the difference between just telling someone that they're a great person, and giving them a pat on the shoulder while telling them they're a great person. I really think is makes a difference. I feel the difference even with my friends.

It's amazing how the only thing I've done today was just go for CCD class, yet, I've got so much to talk about. I wasn't even studying today. I really don't know how some topics came up. And I don't know if there are any spelling mistakes. I just wrote all this with my eyes close, with the spur of the moment. I don't even remember what I wrote. But I think I may do this more often.

A friend of mine who has led different camps in his life told me that he's done this a lot, and it's amazing how some people can't think of anything because they try to think too hard about what to write, but those who just relax and let words come to mind, they write a full page of thoughts in just a few minutes. I really like this. Sometimes, I have so much on my mind, but I don't feel like talking. I'm really not one who actually likes to talk much. I just like to type my feelings out. My friend's right. This can really help someone feel more at ease, and not like there's something bothering them.

Before I wrote this, I was trying so hard to recall what I've done that's bothering me now, but I could not think of a single thing! So I remembered this, and I just thought of giving it a try. I really do feel better now. I think it helps me.

Ok, I should be sleeping. It's already 12.20am. Nights!

Monday, October 05, 2009


Man, I miss talking to Les, Ash, Mandy, Ryan, Vern, and all of them! I miss sessions too.

AH! 18 days! And I still haven't packed! How to pack?! I have clothes that I still need to use! =( But, I CAN'T WAIT! =D I still need to study too. What to do?! My first time using my com after 3 days! Accomplishment! But then again, I haven't studied much yet. DIE!

Well, just wanna wish Val a happy belated 21st, and Tim a happy early 25th! BIRTHDAY MONTH IS HERE! So many birthdays!

I'm suddenly wondering, did I really make the right choice? I'm afraid I made this choice based on the wrong reason. Did I? I don't know. I can't turn back anyway, so I guess I'll just have to live with my decision.

I haven't gotten angry at anyone for the past week! Another accomplishment! =D Proud of myself.