Wednesday, February 07, 2007


1/3,1/3...can you be more responsive when teachers ask us questions???can you be more quiet when there is no teacher around??? sometimes i hate the whole class when there is no teacher in the class...tuhhday i was abt tuhh shout 'shut the freakin hell up' but i started ventin my anger on muhhself instead...BE HAPPY I DID THAT IF NOT U PPL WOULD BE TOTALLY SCARED OF ME!!!*freaks*PLSPLSPLSPLSPLS DUN EVER GIMME OR ANY OTHER COMM MEMBER ANY REASON TUHH SHOUT OUR VOICE OUT LEH!!! NO ONE WILL LIKE ME AFTER I SHOUT AT U HOR!!!THIS IS ONI A WARNING...YOU HAVEN SEEN THE WORST OF ME!!! AND I DUN SUGGEST THAT U DO ARH...THIS IS ME SPEAKING! I SERIOUSLY HATE IT IF I REALLY HAF 2 SCREAM AT ANYONE HOR...and tuhh my frens,I WILL DEFINATELY DARE SCREAM AT U N WUN HESITATE EITHER!!! so 1/3,never get on the wrong side of me and u ppl better shuddup when there is no teacher in class if not u would be totally scared of makin me angry and if u dun believe, u can ask amanda yip frm 1/2 and last year i din hesitate to scream n shout at her or any of my close frens frm handbells so do NOT ever think i'll not scream at u if u were my closest fren...but amanda n i are still very good frens although we do get angry at each other and scream at each other. MOVING ON TO THE NEXT POINT! I'LL NOT BE HERE FOR CLASS DAY!!!ITS ON 1/3/07!!! BUT ON 1ST MARCH, I'LL BE IN CANADA!!! well there is the good points...i'll be skipping the CAs!!!WEE~~!!!bad points...i'll be missing class day! haiz i really hope we can haf a small party b4 i leave. ms helimmi, we nid tuhh meet up wif u either at ur hse or go out together...we as in amanda, chloe, dorothy and me...pls reply to my message!!!plsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplsplspls!!! tytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytytyty!!! haiz...I MISS MS HELIMMI AND HANDBELLS though i still go back...BUT IT FEELS WRONG WIF OUT MS HELIMMI!!!I CANT GET OVER THE ARTS FEST THING!!!I DUN THINK ANY OF THE P6 HB GALS CAN!!!I REALLY WANNED MS HELIMMI TO SEE OUR LAST PERFORMANCE!!! MS HELIMMI WE NID TO MEET UP SERIOUSLY!!! CALL ME PLS!!! haiz...'dun go away nat. why do u haf tuhh go?' a simple statement like this saddens me...why must i go so soon? i really dun wanna go anymore!!! i dun wanna leave any of my frens here!i dun wanna leave any of the teachers here!!!n i definately dun wanna leave ms helimmi, amanda, chloe, dorothy, jaymann, zenia, cheryl and all the other nice 1/3'07 gals and other frens of mine! but there are ppl i do wanna leave behind but they shall be saved the embarressment and not be named.
well, i gtg already. i hope to write in here again...really slow at updating...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'll try to be good

24 August, 2007 22:59  

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